Vincent Price Witchfinder General Gives You A Scream! – Double Edged Double Bill Episode 126

Vincent Price hasn’t been with us for decades, but he’s still giving us frights to this day! This week, Adam Thomas and Thomas Mariani welcome back Christian Alvarez to pay tribute to an icon of horror this spooky season. First, Vincent Price cashes in a check near the end of his career as the host of a mean and poorly put together anthology film From a Whisper to a Scream. Then, Vincent Price delivers perhaps the performance of his career as a brutal man out to prosecute “witches” in Witchfinder General. Together, our trio answers some crucial questions. Does Weekend at Bernie’s have a secret prequel? What is the true horror of witchcraft? Which two films will they choose for next week’s episode on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise? Well, open up your book of weird horror stories and tune in to find out!

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